The media was all in an uproar over the election fraud in Venezuela. For a day. Then it came out our government had made concessions to Maduro if only he would hold a fair election and allow the opposition candidates to run. He did. They won. He is still in power. Oh well, we tried. And then we moved on. Sound familiar? It is called hypocrisy.
The reason we have moved on? Because we just did the same thing here. Removed a President, who won his primary overwhelmingly by appealing to the VOTERS. Receiving the majority of votes. He won.
Doesn’t matter. Much like Maduro’s vote count in Venezuela. And the American Pravda media has moved on to carry the water for the new anointed Democrat (but not democratic) candidate.
I was watching the news this morning and saw the list of Dem celebrities/politicians lined up to speak at the convention. David Mamet should write a play about this. In it, instead of being dead, the dying Caesar Biden gets to watch as Cassius Obama, Brutus Pelosi, Casca Clinton, and other ‘senators’ recite his glorious accomplishments. Giving speeches about how much they loved him, but still needed to take him out. For the good of all.
Just like it was for the good of all, they installed him in the first place. Hypocrisy. And sadly, everybody on the Dem side was fine with this.
The list was a ‘who’s who’ of prominent Democrat congresspeople, Schumer, Pelosi, Hakeem Jeffries, Joe Manchin and just about every democrat politician up for re-election.
Big time fundraisers like Reed Hastings who makes no secret of funding much of the lawfare against Trump. Celebrities like George Clooney, who was mad about comments Biden made about his wife. After raising millions for him recently. And Trump has a thin skin??
Then there are the pundits and operatives who helped put him there in 2020. Axelrod and Carville, Scarborough and the New York Times Editorial board. When you lose the Times, who has gaslighted so many Americans for so long, you are truly SOL.
Then the so-called friends, the Paul Krugman’s and Thomas Friedman’s, the Nicholas Kristof’s and Ezra Kleins. So-called experts who helped stage manage the first election, now jumping ship before it sank.
Lest we forget, they act all surprised at the sudden and precipitous decline we all saw for the last 4 years or more. All of us, except of course those who benefited from the charade of a competent Joe Biden. We should also not forget how he was not vetted or forced to campaign. Instead, fifty years of track record was sufficient.
Mental acuity in 2020 or now was irrelevant. Until it could no longer be hidden. This sounded suspiciously like the prior Democrat president who was also not vetted in the slightest by the same press who are dissecting Trump. For the good of all. Hypocrisy.
The same press who covered for Hillary, praised the fake dossier, and still have not said a peep about 51 former intelligence leaders, orchestrating a document full of untruths to deflect from the truth of information found on a laptop. Hypocrisy.
Julius Caesar was supposedly stabbed 23 times. Mamet would have far more than 23 co-conspirators’ motives and actions to describe were he to write this play. Perhaps it is better suited to a Netflix multi-episode series. We are not done, as they have simply marched out the next puppet to stage manage into the role.
If I were Kamala, with their track record I would look behind me any time Pelosi, Schumer or Obama are anywhere nearby. If they did it to Joe, they can do it to you. It’s why they made you pick Walz.
Another easily manipulated and compromised puppet they can control, if the time comes to push you aside when you prove to be even more inept than Joe. Which, frankly, they already know, since they won’t let you talk to the press either.
All these flawed democratic candidates are easy for the Dem machine (i.e. Obama) to push aside with their backgrounds of scandal, ineptitude, and unpopular policies. Notice how he had Kamala roll out her communist price control policies?
He sure believes in them, but he isn’t going to sully his reputation by proposing them. Better to test the waters with Kamala. If it fails, she can just flip flop on that one too. And the press will let her get away with it.
Trump, for all his issues, is uncancelable. We know more about him than any politician in history. This is a welcome change from all the Democrat candidates of the last 50 years. We may not like Trump or some of his antics, or even some of what we learn about him, but at least we know it, and where he stands. The Dems stand wherever they need to: depending on the wind direction, money, or public opinion. The only conviction any of them shows is to hypocrisy.
I will finish with this. If ANY of these candidates have to face the scrutiny, microscopic dissection (including his family), and lawfare Donald Trump is facing, NONE of them would last 5 minutes. Let alone the last NINE years. And yet he persists. Why? Some claim it is egomania. Perhaps that is true. Perhaps it could also be patriotism and a genuine desire to do good and give back. Why else do this? He doesn’t need the money, unlike so many in and around Congress, whose only talent is sticking their head in the government/media/lobbying feeding trough. They can’t do anything else.
Why keep subjecting yourself and your family to the scalpel of the American Pravda media? I say this to all those claiming he is going to start WWIII. If he wanted to do this, why didn’t he before?
He was already President once. Instead, we had lower inflation, very low unemployment, including the lowest for blacks ever. Great GDP growth, fewer border crossings and actual policies to keep asylum seekers in their first country where they could seek asylum.
Waiting in Mexico while we processed their claim. An incentive for Mexico to actually help reduce the number of folks crossing their country, as they had to take care of them while they waited. Versus busing and flying them all over the US, knowing 97% of them will not show up for their asylum hearings.
Trump was a president endorsed by the police. Crime did not pay under his administration. Wars were not started. For all the press gaslighting about Russia and the hoax of Hillary’s dossier, Putin did not invade Ukraine while Trump was in office. Nor did Hamas or Hezbollah attack Israel or take hostages. China, North Korea and Iran all dialed back on both the rhetoric and actual attacks on allies. Iran did not fire 300 missiles at Israel while Trump was in office. None of that is true now, under the democrats where allies are attacked and plans for invasions sped up.
The UN countries were going to have to pay their obligated share of their defense budgets for NATO. Until Biden made it clear, he wasn’t in favor of that Trump mandate. Or any other Trump mandate, whether it worked or was good for the country or not. The fact it was a Trump era policy was enough to expunge it from existence.
The double standard of scrutiny - what Trump is subjected to every minute of every day and what Kamala is not subjected to ANY minute of any day says all there is to say. All the haters can hate, but the reality is - one candidate is willing AND able to stand and answer questions. To risk laying out the thoughts and policies to be analyzed, praised, and ridiculed.
One candidate is unafraid of the voters and the potential consequences of appearing before the people to espouse and defend why they should be the next president. One candidate is being vetted, in public, for the voters to see and weigh their policies and how they would govern.
The other side is the Wizard of Oz. Pay no attention to the elites behind the curtain, wiping off and sharpening their digital knives for the next coup. No, just keep looking at the smiling, laughing, love fest we present on the other side of the curtain. OzBama, the Great and Powerful, has spoken.
Listen to us praise Joe Biden with great praise. The Judas’ of the Democrat party will take their 30 pieces of silver and move on to their next ruse. You are being duped. And it is not by the guy with the hair.
We deserve better, but we won’t get it unless we hold the elites in charge responsible for their actions. If we don’t, the future is bleak, not because of Trump, but because it will be more of the same things we have seen in the last 3 and a half years. We should all be allowed to hear the words from the candidate, live, and make our own choices. Free from the gaslighting and rhetoric of the American Pravda media.