If you have been following from the beginning, you know this blog is all about helping you understand why it is so important to Think for Yourself (T4Y). Last time I told you about the technique known as The Flip. You use this to identify the Truth in statements (or rather lack thereof) made by the cable and network news, social media and most of your phone news feeds. Using the Flip, you at least have a chance to find your way to the real Truth as they continue attempts to manipulate your opinion to match their outcomes.
This time around, we are going to teach you a technique to help with people. People who are accusing you of hate, phobia, ism, or just of daring to have a different opinion than their own. This simply is no longer tolerated in today’s society. If you are public about your views and they are contra to the accepted position of the establishment, you might as well be wearing a target with a bullseye.
Like the Flip, we express the Mirror as a simple hand gesture. You simply hold your hand up, palm out against your body, almost like a stop sign. However, this time, you are using it as a mirror to reflect the hate being spewed at you, back onto the person doing the spewing. There is no need to speak. No need to argue. Nor to try to convince them of the error of their assumption. Most importantly, you do not need to defend your position. They are not worthy of your effort.
We all know, anyone who is spewing this hatred is not rational and is simply regurgitating the message of propaganda they have been fed by their education, the news media, social media, etc. These same messages we discussed in ‘The Flip’ blog.
More than anything, these haters cannot deal with someone who does not fight back. They feed off your effort to defend your position. Do not waste your energy. Merely hold up your Mirror and reflect the hate back on them. When they ask you what you are doing, you can just tell them you are reflecting their view back at them so they can see what they are doing. Look in the Mirror and they will see the true ‘hater’. The ones who complain the loudest are usually the ones who are committing the exact things they accuse others of doing.
Cancel culture is a perfect example. Those demanding people lose jobs or get fired from public office for having a different view (something protected by our first amendment) are the same ones who are surprised when their former allies turn on them when they stray from the narrative. There is some slight satisfaction for us when this happens. It devastates them how quickly their allies accuse them of the same issue and call for their head and their job or to boycott them. There is another word for this, Hypocrisy, but that is a topic for another day.
#Metoo, cancel culture, every phobia, pronouns, gender dystopia, patriotism, the list goes on. Once upon a time, we had the concept of freedom. This country was founded on this principle. Differences of opinion were celebrated. The Lincoln-Douglas debates are still taught in a few schools as examples of the healthiness of discussing different views and letting the public decide on their own who makes the most sense.
A difference of opinion does not mean you are telling them what they can or cannot do, it just means you don’t agree. To the haters, a lack of agreement with their view is justification for ending your ability to work or support your family. One view seems sensible and the other destructive. Which side are you on?
This terrifies those in charge today. They cannot afford to have you Think for Yourself. You might choose to support them, but they cannot take that risk you won’t. They know they cannot win a majority with their ideology. This they understand. They have no choice but to resort to propaganda, hijacking our children’s education, and seeking absolute control of a majority of the communications outlets. And those are just the legal activities.
Don’t argue. Don’t think you can convince them. They are zealots in a new religion. All you can do is provide the catalyst and show them the path to discover Truth for themselves and to return to the world of Thinking for Yourself. They need to look in the Mirror and see what they are doing and saying and understand how they were duped into believing they are the ones in the right. Sadly, they are not, but only they can figure this out. Only they can find the way to the Truth. They have to wake up and realize they are living in a world created by people who do not have their best interests at heart. They are being used.
You can lead by example. Find the Truth. Use the Flip to educate yourself. Use the Mirror to help the haters see how bad they are. Knowing their plan makes you the enemy. You refuse to be led. Instead, you lead by example, exposing hypocrisy.
As the last of our veterans who preserved our way of life in World War II pass, we are at a point in our society where we face a similar challenge to our way of life. Many of these veterans lament that America today is not the America they fought for and the American way of life they watched their buddies die to preserve. We must never forget their sacrifice and we must never take for granted what we have. It did not magically happen. It was preserved time and time again by brave citizens fighting and dying to ensure we did not perish as a society.
We face a choice, sit silently and hope it doesn’t happen. Or stand up and make sure we help educate our friends, neighbors, and family to think for themselves and stop this change before it is too late. Welcome to the fight.
©Flip and Mirror, 2022, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED